Make a complaint

We understand how important good service is to you is and occasionally when things are not quite right that you will want to resolve this.

Guidance for retailers

This page outlines our simplified two step complaints process. If you would like to read the complete document, download the charter.

Common complaints
Putting things right

What is it for?
The Service pledge is designed to resolve serious or persistent breaches by your wholesaler, publisher or distributor, of one or more of the clauses contained in the Press Distribution Charter.

What is it NOT for?
It’s not for those occasional service blips where a simple question to your wholesaler’s Customer Service department may easily resolve the matter.

BEFORE proceeding with a PDC complaint

Please check.

1) Are you too late?

The Press Distribution Charter complaints process cannot be used if the incident complained of occurred more than three months ago

2) If you believe you’ve suffered a breach, it will really help if you identify the clause in the PDC that’s been breached. (This can be found in the charter or scroll down this page for examples below)

3) Have you submitted a complaint to your wholesaler?

If you have not yet contacted your wholesaler complaints department you can do so below.

- Click HERE for Menzies Distribution
- Click HERE for Smiths News

The wholesaler, publisher, or distributor must respond within 48 hours, once they have received your complaint. If they do not respond, or if you are not satisfied with their response, you may then formally complain under the Press Distribution Charter.

4) Your complaint may involve a claim for restitution, if this is the case or to find out more, click here.

Have the following ready

1. Your contact details (telephone number, and e-mail)
2. Your business name and address
3. Your customer number (or box number)
4. Your wholesaler location
5. The complaint reference number provided by the wholesaler
6. A note of the clause in the charter you believe has been breached
7. Your notes describing your complaint
8. Documentation and files ready to upload to substantiate your complaint

Two Step Complaints Process

Tried to solve your problem locally? Before you make a formal complaint, contact your wholesaler to see if they can help.
The process is not designed to deal with small issues, but to cater for serious or persistent problems.

Please note.
The Press Distribution complaints process cannot be used if the incident complained of occurred more than three months ago.
Step 1 - Make a Formal Charter Complaint

Have you all the required information (1-8 above) ready?

Complete the form, quoting the complaint reference number issued by your wholesaler, and submit or send a copy.

Your Wholesaler is obliged to formally investigate your complaint and reply to you within 28 days.

Step 2 - Request Arbitration

If the matter is not resolved after 28 days, or you are dissatisfied with the outcome...

Contact the PDF Administrator who can support you further, including passing your complaint to an independent arbitrator for a final adjudication.

Once received you must submit the completed Step 2 form within 7 days.
The independent arbitrator will announce a decision after 14 days.

Examples of serious complaints

Ts & Cs

Terms and conditions are not clear and do not meet the minimum standards of the Charter.

The Charter states:
“The standards of the Press Distribution Charter will be incorporated by each wholesaler into its Terms and Conditions of Business.”

To see if you have a valid complaint the Charter can help you. Please consult section 1 - Delivery Quality to see where your complaint sits.

How do I identify my complaint?
If you believe you have a valid complaint, and it qualifies as serious and/or persistent then please identify the section in the charter that applies.

The wholesaler has failed to provide six weeks’ notice in writing in their communication of changes to the Terms and Conditions of Business to retail customers as they should in Section 1.2 of the Charter.

What details should I include?

When was communication received? (if at all)

Details of errors made in communication

What evidence should I include?

Copies of terms communications received

Copies of relevant correspondence from the wholesaler


Newspapers or magazines arrive after your RDT/STD or don't arrive in a saleable condition.


The documentation about your delivery is not clear.


Wholesaler does not give you access to information to help you manage your supply.

Credited unsolds

Unsold are not collected and credited promptly and accurately.


Vouchers are not received, processed and credited efficiently.


Invoice is not detailed and accurate clearly showing all your charges and credits.

Q & As

Wholesaler fails to answer questions about your invoice or the service you receive.


Wholesaler fails to give you support on sub-retailing.

Not quite ready?

If you need further advice about making a complaint, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

Help and contact

Wholesaler complaint forms

To make a formal complaint, you will need to complete a customer complaint form.

It is up to you to match your complaint with a Charter standard, and where appropriate, provide evidence that may support your complaint.

Your must provide sufficient detail to enable the respondent to understand what it is about and what remedy you are seeking